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Summer Party Eating

Summertime is the season of BBQs, and we wanted to share a few tips on how to enjoy a party and stay on track with your health goals. Keep in mind that you don’t need to sacrifice one for the other. Here are 7 tips:

  1. Don’t “save room” for the party. Waiting until the party can lead to overeating. Instead of eating normally and perhaps have a small snack such as a hard-boiled egg or a piece of fruit and then eat as hunger allows.
  2. BYOV: Bring your own veggies. Volunteer to bring the vegetable tray. Not only are you looking out for yourself, but your fellow party-goers will be grateful. 
  3. If possible, pick grilled meats as opposed to batter-fried. It is easy to overeat on dietary fat with certain meat items.
  4. Balance your plate. Fill half your plate with vegetables. Fill a fourth of your plate with meat and the last fourth with a starch. Both the meat and starch items will generally have dietary fat, such as mac & cheese or other types of food such as lasagna. 
  5. Be wise with condiments. A few hundred calories here and there can add up quickly in toppings, dressings, and dipping sauces.
  6. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, it’s best to moderate. Instead of thinking necessarily about limiting your drinking, focus more on staying hydrated in the sun. You know that alcohol dehydrates you, so having more emphasis on hydration will naturally lead to less alcohol consumption.
  7. For dessert focus more on fresh fruits if available. A slice of pie in moderation is enjoyable, but several desserts during cookouts and get-togethers can add up quickly as well. This is another opportunity to bring a berry mixture that you can mix with some whipped topping as an idea for a lower-calorie dessert.

With these strategies you can still maintain your nutritional pursuits while also enjoying life as it comes and reducing anxiety in the process.

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