1/20/25 Infinite Positive ROI

The moment you invest in changing your health and fitness through training you experience a huge ROI through excitement and happiness. Then you experience a negative ROI in the form of buyers remorse.

You do your first session and the ROI can go either way: positive ROI through endorphins and feeling good about your actions and negative ROI through the physical pain of exercise, the emotional pain of realizing you’re out of shape, and the social pain of potential embarrassment.

Through the first week or month it’s generally just negative ROI since you’re now sore. After the first month a tiny amount of positive ROI is felt as you start to see and feel results. This increases a little bit more as you continue to progress.

Then you have a set back and lose your progress and you have a negative ROI. Generally on the front end, it’s a risky investment with more negative than positive.

But then…

Once you go from being unhealthy to healthy, unfit to fit, unconfident to confident, the positive ROI sky rockets. After enough years of doing it, the ROI is essentially infinitely positive, meaning it’s priceless.

My buddy Paul went from 400 lbs to 220 lbs. His health and fitness improved in every way imaginable. I asked him how how much he would have to be paid to go back to the way he was. “There is no amount of money you could ever pay me to make me go back to feeling that way.” Was his answer.

I’m not sure how to calculate the ROI on something that becomes priceless but it’s pretty good. I’ll keep investing in it. You probably should to.

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Hand writing notes helps engage the brain and supports greater learning when listening or reading. The issue I face is I hate clutter. I hate having note books that I have to carry around and that I can’t search through to find what I need. I also hate highlighting in books or taking notes because I still have to remember which book that thought or idea was in and flip through the pages to find it. I started using a kindle several years back and I recently got a Kindle Scribe. All my books, notes, ideas, etc are in one place and I can search through them on any device. My organizational brain is so happy.

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This instagram shares stories of people great in years (is that an acceptable way to say old people) doing bad ass things. I find it fascinatingly inspirational. Check it out.

I hope you have an amazing week!


people working out in a group fitness class

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