1/27/25 Big Goals, Small Values

It’s hard to set a realistic goal in an area you don’t have much experience in. This is a risk when people who haven’t been pursuing health and fitness try to create goals. It usually manifests itself into something like “I want to lose 30 lbs” or “I want to put on 10 lbs of muscle.”

What these goals really mean is “I want my outward appearance to reflect that I am the type of person who values my health and fitness and prioritizes the actions that improve them.” All good. But what happens if that’s not who you are? At least not yet?

If we set goals that completely misalign with our values, we’re destined to fail. Big goals, like transformational body comp changes, require big values. If we haven’t established those yet, we’re unlikely to consistently do the actions that would help us reach out goals.

Finish this statement: “I want to be the type of person who…”. Now, what actions would that person take? Do those. Each time you do one of those actions you bridge the gap from “I want to be” to “I am”.


After reading my book selection below I decided an area I could really focus on was ensuring I limited the amount of potential plastics I ingest (seemed liked a good place to start). It really came down to cookware, drinking containers, and food storage. We exchanged our plastic cooking utensils for wood and stainless steel, exchanged our plastic food storage for glass, and exchanged all plastic drink containers (even our shaker bottles) for metal or glass. Can I tell a difference in how I feel? Not yet. I’ll let you know in a couple decades.


Our bodies were made and have adapted to encounter naturally occurring substances and, let’s face it, we sure have created a lot of unnatural substances that we’re now bombarded with. How do they impact us? That’s what this book addresses. There’s a lot in this book and it may seem overwhelming to take on all the changes. I suggest more viewing it as an educational resource to now allow you to consider what and how you want to interact with your food and environment.

Have a great week!


people working out in a group fitness class

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