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Clean and Safe Environment at NBS Fitness and COVID-19

In light of the recent developments with the COVID-19 coronavirus, we want to let you know what measures NBS Fitness has and is taking to ensure a clean and safe facility for members and their families. 

We currently partner with a cleaning service that cleans and disinfects daily. We also maintain a regular cleaning and disinfectant schedule ourselves. Along with this, NBS has increased the frequency and extent of our cleaning including:

  • Daily disinfectant checks of gym equipment
  • Sanitizing doors, door handles, water fountains and commonly touched hard surfaces hourly 

Here are some ways you can help us as we create a safe space for everyone to enjoy:

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water upon arriving to the gym and before using any gym equipment.
  • You touch it, you wipe it. There are Gym Wipes throughout both buildings and the cardio loft. This includes: all bars, handles, machine seats, benches, and pads, strongman equipment, etc.  
  • To pull from TSA… “see something, say something“. See a gym friend not cleaning their equipment? Ask them in a friendly way to grab a gym wipe and clean their equipment.
  • Use hand sanitizer before, during and after your workout. 
  • Additionally, disinfectant spray/sanitizing materials can be located in the lime green buckets around the gym. 

There is currently a widespread outage of hand sanitizer in the greater Memphis area. We will restock our current supply as soon as more becomes available.

If you or a family member is coughing, sneezing or has a fever, please stay home. NBS Fitness will always be here waiting for you when you return to 100%!

Finally, it is our goal and passion to help people achieve their health and fitness goals through all situations, including this one. If you are needing to stay at home, for whatever reason, we can provide community and coaching through zoom training, video call nutrition consultations, and video call NSIs and goal reviews. We hope that a lesson that we can all learn from this situation is the importance of health and fitness and we’re here to help guide people towards that end. 

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. As we continue to learn more about COVID-19 and our community, we will keep you informed. 


David Allen

NBS Fitness

people working out in a group fitness class

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