Results For Category: "Training"

Training Tips for Beginners

Training Tips for Beginners

Congratulations on your decision to start a new fitness regimen!  This is the best decision you can make for yourself for long term health. Not…

Strongman on Beale 2020

Clash for Cash: The Events

With the Clash for Cash getting closer every week here is a brief overview of the events of the competition.  The competition is scheduled for…

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Squatting With Knee Pain

During my time as a coach, I have encountered many people who have experienced a lot of knee pain while squatting. When I ask them…

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Training Disciplines: Choosing the Right Approach for You

WE ARE OPEN! It’s been great to see so many of you over the last few weeks. We are all, now more than ever, aware…

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Overcoming Obstacles at Home

We’re into week six of social distancing in the US and week five of the safer-at-home order in Memphis. I hope this email finds everyone…

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well and that you’re making time to engage in activities that energize you. How have your workouts…

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Take a Deep Breath and Keep Moving

“Take a deep breath.” “Just stay moving.” “Two more breaths, then get back to work.” How often have you been in the middle of a…

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Essentials of Fitness for the 60 and Older Population

Fitness is essential at all ages. As our bodies age, it is not a time to slow down or relive the glory days, it’s time…