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Results For Category: "Articles"


Fitness Over a Lifetime

I recently put out a series called “Fitness Over a Life a Lifetime” laying out what to focus on during different decades of life, what…

Training Considerations while Pregnant

Pregnant Athletes: It’s important to adjust your training throughout your pregnancy for your changing body and growing baby. Check out these modifications during your second…

The Other 23 Hours

If you’re an athlete, then you know that recovery is just as important as the actual workout. Without proper recovery, your body can’t repair the…

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Training Disciplines: Choosing the Right Approach for You

WE ARE OPEN! It’s been great to see so many of you over the last few weeks. We are all, now more than ever, aware…

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Overcoming Obstacles at Home

We’re into week six of social distancing in the US and week five of the safer-at-home order in Memphis. I hope this email finds everyone…

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Clean and Safe Environment at NBS Fitness and COVID-19

In light of the recent developments with the COVID-19 coronavirus, we want to let you know what measures NBS Fitness has and is taking to…

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well and that you’re making time to engage in activities that energize you. How have your workouts…


Is Your Diet Killing You?

My husband has heart disease. He is 51 years old and was diagnosed this year. Both of his parents have heart issues and have had…